Wednesday, September 03, 2008

After listening to as much as I could stomach of Governor Palin's speech at the GOP Convention tonight, I have come to the conclusion that she is nasty, snide and simply stupid.

Put simply: McCain screwed up.

My God, If he wanted a woman on the Republican ticket why not Kay Bailey Hutchinson? She too is nasty but also smart and has some real leadership experience.

Palin is a fool: a bitchy small town, soccer mom turned politician that is in way over her head.

Lord, the Dems were fools not to have run Hillary.

BTW: I can just imagine the DNC hanging Sen Liberman by his balls from the rotunda of the Capitol after his speech at the Republican about pissing in your Wheaties.

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

So now they are shooting Democrats.

It would not surprise me in the least if it turns out that the man who shot and killed Arkansas Democratic Party chairman Bill Gwatney is some sort of a conservative activist. This would be a prime example of the results of the Republican policy of demonizing all liberals. I hope this is not the opening shot of a real "culture war"

Friday, August 08, 2008

Well, I'm back..........its election time so lets get busy kicking McCain in the balls!

Y'know, I always thought W was the biggest asshole in D.C..except maybe for Cheney...or Rove..or..Oh well, but the new asshole award seems to go to the entire RNC with their new ad campain on Obama as the anti-Christ. This is a hoot! or would be a hoot except the Republicans are really trying to sell this to the Christians. Maybe they will just be stupid enough to swallow this one.

I do want one of those new "Obama is the anti-Christ" t shirts!!!! I think you can order one at

BTW: did you see W at the Olympic opening ceremony today??? he was clearly bored to tears with the whole thing....that's our boy!


Monday, January 09, 2006

Read Postsecret ( Some of the entries will take your breath away.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Its strange to come back to an old blog after a long time away. You read what you wrote in such passion at the time and kind of say "so what?" Not that it was bad writing but writing that has been overtaken by events.

I started a new blog at the time of the Terry Schavio calamity and wrote and raged until I thought I was going to stroke out on the spot....another victory for the Christian Right....but that faded away and now we just have the War Without End ( 'Nam , The Sequal)

So it goes.....this time around I'll write about what comes my way, hopefully less politics and more life. Just drop by once in a while and see.